Bin Laden's list called for a "celebration" of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by shooting down Air Force One with President Obama on board.
The terrorist mastermind, who was killed by U.S. forces May 1, also wanted Gen. David Petraeus dead and to crash a plane into a major sports event.
To accomplish that horrific goal, Bin Laden discussed attacking the president's plane or helicopter with a missile or grenade, officials told ABC News.
These machinations were part of U.S. intelligence discoveries that included the murderer's huge porn stash at his Abbottabad, Pakistan, compound.
Sources say that despite Bin Laden's reputation was the world's most notorious terrorist and fugitive, success would have been extremely unlikely.
"It's difficult, but not impossible, to shoot down either Gen. Petraeus or the president's plane," said Brad Garrett, a former FBI special agent.
"The reality is because of all the countermeasures in place, and other planes and helicopters in the air, it's not a likely scenario," he added.
The plane into a sporting event scenario, however? "We have so many small airports, you could fly below radar," he said. "That's possibly doable."
Sweet. Fortunately, the NFL and NBA are currently undergoing lockouts, and no one goes to NHL games (kidding, mostly), leaving only baseball. (Free Britney) 17 Jul, 2011
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