Following his vicious rant against gay people during a stand-up set in Nashville, Tracy Morgan issued an apology and admitted he crossed a line with his violent word choice.
Case closed, right? Not for CNN contributor Roland Martin.
In a blog entry, the journalist wondered by Morgan has to issue a mea culp "for saying nasty, vicious and vile things during a stand-up routine."
"Isn't that par for the course of a comedian?" Martin wrote. "There isn't enough space on the Internet to chronicle the number of times a comedian has said nasty and vile things. Some of it leading the audience to fall out laughing or sometimes, or as in the case of Morgan, walk out in protest."
But didn't Martin jump all over Michael Richards in 2006, following that actor's racist diatribe?
Yes. But here's the difference, Martin writes:
"I said then and now that Richards directly attacked an audience member and his use of the N-word had nothing to do with his routine. If it was in the context of a routine, it would not have been received the same."
We'll grant that difference. But we'll also say this: what kind of routine was Morgan doing? From all reports, there were no punchlines or jokes of any kind. It was simply five minutes of gay bashing.
[Photos:] (Hilton Hater) 14 Jun, 2011
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